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Section: New Results

Hidden Markov Tree Models for Semantic Class Induction

Participants : Edouard Grave [correspondent] , Guillaume Obozinski, Francis Bach.

In [13] we propose a new method for semantic class induction. First, we introduce a generative model of sentences, based on dependency trees and which takes into account homonymy. Our model can thus be seen as a generalization of Brown clustering. Second, we describe an efficient algorithm to perform inference and learning in this model. Third, we apply our proposed method on two large datasets (108 tokens, 105 words types), and demonstrate that classes induced by our algorithm improve performance over Brown clustering on the task of semi-supervised supersense tagging and named entity recognition.

Most competitive learning methods for computational linguistics are supervised, and thus require labeled examples, which are expensive to obtain. Moreover, those techniques suffer from data scarcity: many words only appear a small number of time, or even not at all, in the training data. It thus helps a lot to first learn word clusters on a large amount of unlabeled data, which are cheap to obtain, and then to use this clusters as features for the supervised task. This scheme has proven to be effective for various tasks such as named entity recognition, syntactic chunking or syntactic dependency parsing. It was also successfully applied for transfer learning of multilingual structure.

The most commonly used clustering method for semi-supervised learning is known as Brown clustering. While still being one of the most efficient word representation method, Brown clustering has two limitations we want to address in this work. First, since it is a hard clustering method, homonymy is ignored. Second, it does not take into account syntactic relations between words, which seems crucial to induce semantic classes. Our goal is thus to propose a method for semantic class induction which takes into account both syntax and homonymy, and then to study their effects on semantic class learning.

We start by introducing a new unsupervised method for semantic classes induction. This is achieved by defining a generative model of sentences with latent variables, which aims at capturing semantic roles of words. We require our method to be scalable, in order to learn models on large datasets containing tens of millions of sentences. More precisely, we make the following contributions: